Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Walking The (Fake Wood) Planks.

And there’s no turning back now! Sadly, I picked one of the hottest days ever do do this alone. Pulling down those MASSIVE sheets of paneling. No joke, those are almost as wide as I am tall, and they’re of course 8 foot TALL on top of that. They were heavy. We don’t have central air. That’s right folks, I was sweating something fierce while firing off these guns for hours.


I had to pull from the middle with the back end of a hammer, get a grip, pull off the top, let it fall enough to grab a hold of, then pull it to the side to rip off the bottom and take to the end of the room. Following me still? It was a workout just typing all the steps, much less getting er done IRL.


Remember that L word I like to throw around a lot? Laziness to the extreme: leaving all my glass and porcelain things sitting in the middle of the table. I created a little more work for myself trying to avoid them. What? I need all the time I can get to create fake rooms in photoshop :)

Now, I know you’re going to be super jealous of this smokin color scheme. Wall color is straight out of the 50’s, where they had like 2 colors to choose from. They picked Pollen Yellow. The trim must have come with the paneling in the 1970’s. It’s all WASABI!

IMG_6663 Hot, right? I know. I should have kept it. However, I found some nice character lying beneath the paneling. Like a piece of drywall that apparently flaked off. In staying true to his character, and his love of duct tape, my grandfather taped the piece of drywall back on. That tape is 40 years old. It won’t come off.

IMG_6632  Also, I’ve decided the trim was painted after the paneling went up. How did I come to this conclusion? Ohhhh, I don’t knowww…


I actually think the picture turned out kind of cool. I might grayscale it and frame it in the room. The fun part in all of this was pulling nails. At least 200 of them sat in this cup when I was done.

IMG_6624 Now the issue is there’s plumbing behind this one last panel. EXPOSED plumbing, to the bathroom. So until we figure out what we’re going to do with it, I’m keeping it as my room’s flair.

IMG_6626 Now what I’m sure you really only care about: a preview of the colors. The wall sample is on the wall, the furniture sample is on the furniture. I know, I really make it tough to figure these things out! :)

IMG_6662 What I never knew about white before was how well it photographs. Which gets me super excited about showing it off :D Do you have any white rooms that are super stylish? Have any in your inspiration files? I’m looking for some more ideas for accessorizing so please share!

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