Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tis the Season.

To throw a party! Before we got married, we both had two very long last names. Since we've been living together for almost 3.5 years, but hadn't been married most of that time, we coined ourselves "Wiltschaeffer" to make invitations easier, and make us feel more complete as a family. So last year we threw our first annual Wiltschaeffer Christmas Party, and tried to cram about 25 of our family members in our poor little 864 sf house. Somehow, we pulled it off, we got family together that never met, or hadn't seen each other in almost a decade. It was mostly to unite the families before our wedding, but I enjoyed having everyone together so much I wanted to do it again. All I had to do was pick a date and get Drew on board ;)

The beginnings of a delicious spread. We've gotten a bunch of mismatched plates over the years, and finally have enough to hold all our different foods!

Don't mind my parents, the party hadn't started yet. At least, I hope it didn't with gloomy expressions like that!

Finally they dove into the food, and the happiness followed.

Well, unless you're Chris.
After people dove in. I thought we had too MUCH food, we ended up having just enough!
And then the nieces get their energy. They're always the life of the party, and I love it!
A mostly failed attempt at a cute picture of the girls in front of the tree, I decide to join in. Note I had to show off the latest dream house to the family in our "one day" home in the country. We won't be using the builder showing in the picture though.
Dylan enjoying Drew's Xbox Command Center. Luckily I kept my grandparents sofa for lounging!
The girls still running around :)
Much happier, Chantelle!
I decided to join in the ballerina moves.
Finally, it's time to say our goodbyes. It was fun, and we had just enough leftovers to have our friends over to keep the party going late into the night. In fact, a week later we're still trying to finish off the food!

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